Awareness & Advocacy

There is a lack of awareness in Pakistan. The problem is stigmatised, so it cannot be discussed. If it is acknowledged then it is often dismissed as a normal part of ageing, or viewed as a problem for which nothing can be done. These three factors conspire to create a culture in which help is neither sought nor offered. Alzheimer’s Pakistan has identified raising awareness of dementia among the general population and among health workers as a national priority.

We know that Alzheimer’s disease remains one of the most critical public health issues in our country and the world. This is why we are unrelentingly advocating for public policyissues and critical research funding. Alzheimer’s Pakistan organizes a range of awareness and advocacy activities throughout the year, which include:

  • Conferences
  • Lectures
  • Stalls
  • World Alzheimer’s Month (September)
  • Social media
  • Family & Caregivers Training
  • Seminar
  • Walks
  • Floats
  • Electronic & print media
  • Talk shows

Now is the time to join us. Help persuade the government to make Alzheimer’s disease a national priority.

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